Mike's Profile
Mike's Profile - You are in the Right Place! Trust Your Computer Services To The Pros!

Mike Bloomfield is a PC expert from a banking background. He has formed a business called "A PC Genius" in Sydney, which is a team of the best PC and MAC technicians who can service all types of computer systems.
We love what we do. Currently, we are working with 2UE Radio Station to help people get a solid foundation in P.C. basics. All of this series is designed to empower computer system owners with powerful tools to set themselves up brilliantly, effectively and with little or no cost.
The topics we will cover are... The Internet and what is Broadband; Security - Firewalls, Spam and Viruses; Backup; Power Surges and Lightning; Hardware & Software - what to buy; Peripherals - Cameras and Printers; Wireless, Networks and training to get the most out of your P.C.
All sessions will be in plain English without the jargon! Please email me personally with your questions, problems and solutions and with your permission we will publish any profoundly useful advice on this site.
Let's get our computers to work hard serving us now!
Our vision is to set-up your home and business computer systems cost effectively and reliably to give you peace, productivity and more time and money to enjoy life!
Mike Bloomfield

Computer Sales